
Kristi Tait is a visual artist alternately fending off the remote location of the Shetland Islands and her two small(ish) children to produce socially engaged art happenings and, when time allows, paintings for exhibition.

“How would I describe my practice? Experimental, multigenerational and fairly bright?… Sometimes its hard to pinpoint - I work in the creative industries, anything can happen..”

Fine Art Lecturer for the Creative Industries and Course Coordinator for ASN Courses at Shetland UHI . Current

MA Art & Social Practice (Distinction) UHI Shetland 2023

BA Hons Fine Art Drawing & Painting Duncan of Jordanstone 1999

recent engagements:

Weather Island, 2021-23

Aeropuerto, Culture Collective

MAMhouss Collaborative Art Practice . Ongoing - A Moment in Time: Awarded Residency, KIOSK